2022 - 2024
Fatigue Diary
Fatigue Diary is a web app for people suffering from chronic fatigue (ME/CFS, MS, Long COVID, …). Fatigue patients often keep track of their energy level on a paper chart to plan their day and schedule enough rest time. The goal of this project was to find out whether I can create a web app that makes it more comfortable to use than the chart on paper. My web app allows users to enter their energy level after every activity and to display different charts showing the energy level throughout the day, week, month, or year. Additionally, the web app rates the activities based on their impact on the energy level which is calculated using all the user’s entered data from the past month. The web app was tested by about 15 therapists who were referred to me by my therapist and about as many patients who found my web app on social media. The few feedbacks I received from therapists and patients, as well as my own experience show that the web app offers a more efficient and practical way of tracking one’s energy.
This project is built with Next.Js, React, JavaScript, and TailwindCSS. A MySQL-Database was used.
Originally, the project used PHP and no frontend framework. But in 2023 I decided to rebuild it using primarily Next.Js.
- ShadCn/ui
- NextAuth
- Apexcharts
- Lucide Icons
- MySQL2
- next-pwa
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If you are interested, you can continue reading about my matura project in my matura paper. You can download it here: Project Description (Matura Paper) 📝
www.fatiguediary.ch | info@fatiguediary.ch | Instagram: @fatiguediary.ch